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Why do we exist?

Recent research by McCrindle reveals some intriguing insights about faith and belief in Australia, NZ and Asia, providing a compelling foundation for the Irresistible Church Network in Australasia. Despite a decline in church attendance and trust in religious institutions, the study shows that people remain spiritually curious and open to Christianity. This spiritual openness creates a unique opportunity for churches to connect with those seeking deeper meaning and community.

One of the key findings of the McCrindle research is that unchurched people are particularly drawn to churches that actively do good in their communities, especially those that serve the needy. This emphasis on social action resonates deeply with people’s desire to see tangible expressions of faith. The Irresistible Church Network supports churches in this growing interest, demonstrating the love of Jesus through practical acts of kindness and support. This approach not only aligns with the spiritual curiosity of many unchurched people but also helps rebuild trust in the church as a vital, compassionate presence in their lives.

Who are we?

We are a network of churches in Australia, New Zealand and Asia from varying traditions and denominations, with a common vision of creating churches where unchurched people love to engage. We help leaders thrive so their churches can grow. We provide a meaningful context to see the habits of irresistible churches in practice; through personalised coaching, helpful content, customisable resources, learning communities, and pastoral care, all with like-minded leaders.

Who are we NOT?

We don’t know all the answers, but we know we are stronger when we walk and talk together and learn from each other, that’s why partnership matters.
As in any partnership, the more you put into the relationship, the more you will get out of it. We recognize that you, your team and your church will benefit from all the network offers. However, we also believe the network will benefit from you, your team, and your church being part of the tribe.

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