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Leading a church where unchurched people love to engage can be frustrating and overwhelming when you’re on your own. We help pastors find a tribe of like-minded leaders who support each other. Our network shares great resources and ideas, so you can lead a church that unchurched people find irresistible.

“We’ve always wanted to be a church that reaches unchurched people but it’s only since joining the Irresistible network that we’ve been able to do that.”

Jonathan Gullo
Suncoast Church, QLD

Why join the Irresistible Church Network?

Joining the Irresistible Church Network in Australasia offers churches an incredible opportunity to access world-class content and coaching, but what truly sets this network apart is the vibrant, supportive community. This tribe is built on genuine care and connection, providing a space where leaders can share experiences, gain insights, and grow together. The sense of belonging and mutual support within this network helps church leaders not only enhance their ministries but also nurture their own spiritual and emotional well-being. It’s a place where you’ll find encouragement, camaraderie, and the inspiration needed to thrive in your mission to reach unchurched people.

7 Habits of Irresistible Churches

An irresistible church creates engaging and relevant environments both online and offline, emphasizing the importance of small groups for fostering intentional relationships. It prioritizes children’s and youth ministries, ensuring the next generation of leaders is well-equipped. By connecting people through volunteering, the church enables growth and builds strong serving teams. It seeks to endear itself to the local community by being known for positive actions and making a tangible difference. Embracing digital platforms, the church ensures it remains accessible and connected, providing opportunities for community and discipleship in the modern world.
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How we can help

We don’t know all the answers, but we know we are stronger when we walk and talk together and learn from each other, that’s why partnership matters.
As in any partnership, the more you put into the relationship, the more you will get out of it. We recognize that you, your team and your church will benefit from all the network offers. However, we also believe the network will benefit from you, your team, and your church being part of the tribe.

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Connection & Care

It’s easy to feel alone leading a church committed to reaching the unreached. What a relief it is to find a tribe of like-minded leaders who support each other. Join a community who keep up with each other, share what they have, and cheer you on.

 Content & Resources

Most available resources don’t understand being a church for the unchurched. It can be exhausting creating your own, but you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Access world-class content and resources from a network who have been working in the same direction as you for a long time!

Coaching & Support

Leading a growing church for the unchurched presents constant challenges. Where can you find support and advice from someone who understands your life and stage? Get the coaching you need for a healthy life and church.

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